Monday, July 10, 2006

Sunny Daze

Joy. Peace. Love.
Step up to that higher place
out of the muck
into the light
Take that step...
then LEAP! out!
Breathe deep
Look out not in
up not down
for just a second

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Life Beyond the Pain

Sometimes you feel like quitting
giving in to giving up.
A woman I saw today was living in the pain I felt.
The pain of experiencing great loss
the end of a dream
the end of a life.
Depression is too clinical and not the right word
to describe the crumbling of everyday life as we know it
It should have been me. I wish it was me. I don't want to get up.
Why did this happen to me?
Only bad things happen to me. It's all I deserve.
Gone is the remainder of a shaky self-esteem.
There are no answers.
Cognitively there is but emotionally there really isn't much of a reason or hope.
Goals? Career growth? Healthy relationships?
I don't think so.
Managing to get up in the morning and fake the life that needs to be lived
takes all my energy.
Life beyond the pain?
Is it possible? Are there possibilities?
God? Spiritual Growth?
not in the depth of this anger and fear.
Yes, in the depth of the anger and fear.
Life beyond pain.
Life has been lost.
New life has been given.
Others move on.
Life beyond pain.
Some days.
More often now.
Time is not set. The length of the minutes, hours, days, weeks and years varies.
Sometimes it's forever and sometimes just yesterday.
Need to help someone else.
Still trying to help myself.
Life beyond pain.

in time.....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Working for what you already have...

A thought...
about working hard.

Trying too hard and working really hard to get what you already have...
looking so hard for love that you missed the hug you just got?
Seeking happiness, wealth, and a sense that you do have something to contribute to make our world a better place?
This is not a self-help get rich quick scheme, but
a thought.
Discontent, fear, and insecurity grow dim in the light of diamonds.
What are these diamonds?
these diamonds are your talents, your ideas, your personality, your gifts, your smile your love your creative ideas.
Carbon hardened into jewels by the sun.
Can you see your diamonds?
Do you know you have them?
Do you know where to find them?

Earl Nightingale says it so well

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Flame of Resentment Blown Away

Realized this morning it's time to blow out the flame of resentment. Why, for 40 years I was a free spirit. Owning property, being a land owner never appealed to me. Too much work. Priorites for financial, physical and emotional resources were elsewhere. With marriage came responsibilities and ownership. This weekend "something" made me realize how much I resented the responsibility of ownership. The time, energy and organizational skills required to keep up a house in the city was more than I wanted. Then we bought lake property and we took on the responsibility of caring for relatives. Now I am REALLY uncomfortable. Didn't get it until today how much anger was bottled up. Time to blow out the flame of resentment.
Weird how this is so contradictory - I watched a PBS special on ownership for former slaves meant freedom - for me this meant burden. Selfish? Ungrateful. Maybe. Just honest.

*** Photos found at ***

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Journey from fear to freedom

Transfer fear and anxiety to hope and confidence

Visualize 2 sheets of white paper.
One sheet has folders that contain negative emotions such as fear and anxiety
The other sheet has folders full of hope and confidence.
Continue this visualization by imagining yourself transferring the negative folders to the other sheet with hope and confidence.
The burden lifts. The outlook brightens.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Moving On, Helping Others Fight Cancer

Check this out! Susie's chocolate chip cookies in memory of Karen and Mom's Mock Cheese Cake with her story are included! Thanks to Lara and her passion to whip the cancer monster.

Winter Wonders

It's the coldest day in the history of mankind...or so it seems. I've been fantasizing about sunny sandy beaches for the last few days. We've been spoiled with above normal temperatures most of the winter, so the 40 below zero chill factors seem especially harsh. Without much hope, I've even checked for last minute flights to warm places far away. Good thing I have a GREAT imagination. Cheaper than the real thing:)

Good news! Dale and I together have lost a total of 80 pounds. Sure hope we don't find it. (I crack myself up:) Seriously, it's kind of weird. A whole new body image to adjust to. The response we've been getting with our new look has been very affirming, a real confidence booster. Of course, it's not all about improving our appearance and increased self-confidence. We are healthier. Cool huh?

Will winter wonders never cease?
I hope not!!