Monday, January 03, 2005

Inner Beauty

After tai chi class tonight, while driving home a pervasive thought bopped into my consciousness (or more like semi consciousness after work on the first Monday of 2005).
The thought: Embrace the beauty within.
Struggle with "personal value"? I use quotes as all other related terms are over exposed and meaningless. I remember thinner days, when I was able to run 7 minute miles, with each thump I would mantra "I am beautiful".
Beauty: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit; loveliness Merriam-Webster.
Then I found Terri McPherson's web page with a soul-healing message: "Inner beauty isn't mushy or gushy or fluffy or fuzzy. It doesn't need compliments, recognition or reinforcement to be beautiful. It is an Almighty force - alive and beautiful - that moves you on an upward road every minute of every day of your life."
Thank you, Terri.

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