Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Hope for a new vision

Looking beyond fear to hope.
Believe that all things are possible?
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen - Hebrews 11:1
The old at heart are tired and cynical.
The spirited and energized are renewed with each breath.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Dawn came to visit in a dream last night.
Back from death to reassure me of forgiveness.

Enough introspection. Time to move on.

To places and people that expand our horizons

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Dale and me. Posted by Hello

Who am I and What do I want?

"Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? Who are you?" -- Sheridan's dream in Babylon 5: "Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?"
That's me in the photo above with Dale 1996, at our wedding.
Who am I and what do I want?


Back to the Curriculum Module on The Aging Process
(Click the above word "Ageless" for the reference.)
"Moreover, interviews with older adults themselves have found that individuals' own self-images seem to change relatively little as they age, leading some anthropologists to posit that the self is essentially "ageless."
Au contraire! "Who am I?" is the ageless question. What if I still don't know? What if I'm a seeker? What if I don't have a good self-image? Do I have to quit believing that I can be better? That my perception of self might be one day be better?
Do I let go and accept me the way I am? Why is that so bad?

Aging and Almost 50

I am having cataract surgery on Tuesday Jan 11. But I'm only 49. Ok, almost 50. So I found this most excellent Curriculm Module on aging. What the heck happens to the human body?
"Changes in Vision: Beginning the fourth decade, the pupil begins to decrease in size and in response time to light. Because of these changes, it is estimated that older adults require three times the amount of illumination to see as a younger person. Also, focusing takes longer with an increase in nearsightedness, making small print harder to read. Another normal change is thickening and yellowing of the lens of the eye. This results in light diffraction, increased sensitivity to glare, decreased depth perception, and more difficulty distinguishing pastel colors, especially blues and greens. Non-normal changes of the eye include cataracts or significant opacification of the lens, glaucoma, and various retinal disorders such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. "

So I'm non-normal. And that's a good thing?

Another interesting passage:
"... Moreover, interviews with older adults themselves have found that individuals' own self-images seem to change relatively little as they age, leading some anthropologists to posit that the self is essentially "ageless." "
This calls for a blog of it's own. Next entry....

Monday, January 03, 2005

Inner Beauty

After tai chi class tonight, while driving home a pervasive thought bopped into my consciousness (or more like semi consciousness after work on the first Monday of 2005).
The thought: Embrace the beauty within.
Struggle with "personal value"? I use quotes as all other related terms are over exposed and meaningless. I remember thinner days, when I was able to run 7 minute miles, with each thump I would mantra "I am beautiful".
Beauty: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit; loveliness Merriam-Webster.
Then I found Terri McPherson's web page with a soul-healing message: "Inner beauty isn't mushy or gushy or fluffy or fuzzy. It doesn't need compliments, recognition or reinforcement to be beautiful. It is an Almighty force - alive and beautiful - that moves you on an upward road every minute of every day of your life."
Thank you, Terri.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Weight Loss Ideas

Also in Woman's World Magazine 1/4/05 pp 16-17
(Some good ideas, I'm going to try)

1) Add 1/2 tsp cinnamon to ordinary food - studies show cinnamon causes the body to metabolize sugar 20 times faster, resulting in more stable blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar has been found to reduce hunger and reduce production of the fat-storage hormone insulin.

2) Eat fish, the high-metabolism protein. This article states that fish can increase metabolic rate by as much as 70%. Fish also bolsters the appetite-reducing hormone leptin.

3) Block calories with mega doses of fiber. 36 grams of fiber a day blocks about 130 calories a day. Fiber expands in the digestive tract, triggering the release of anti-hunger hormones and makes you fill full.

4) Unlock your fat cells with dairy. Diets low in calcium causes the production of calcitriol, a hormone that actually hoards calcium in our fat cells and makes it harder for our bodies to break down fat. The more dairy you get, the more readily fat is released says Stephen Gallo Ph.D. from the Institute for Health and Weight Sciences in Manhattan

2005 Predictions

Taurus. That's me. Not that it matters, but I am always looking for an encouraging word and I found one here:

"GOOD TIMES AHEAD You'll feel more confident than you have in years, as Jupiter transits Libra through October 26th. In fact, Taureans have the Midas touch this year! Those who've struggled with their weight will find success. And in the first half of the year, you'll make long-term goals, upgrade job skills and become prominent in your community.
ROMANCE, FUN & FAMILY Venus, the planet of love, transits Taurus from April 15th to May 10th making this a great time for single Taureans to date, date, date! Married couples will rekindle their passion. This year is about finding love in your everyday life, so don't be afraid to tell family and friends how you feel about them. In fact, all that extra TLC you've been giving your family will pay off in a more ideal home life.
LUCKY YOU! Looking to make a big career move? Wait until after July 28th - that's when Mars begins a 5-month transit of your sign, bringing plenty of success on the job. If you feel like taking a risk especially in contests or lotteries, the stars bring luck your way this year. Find a partner, and your odds of winning double after October 26th, thanks to Jupiter in Scorpio." (p 24 Woman's World Magazine 1/4/2005 - Gerald James Jackson