Tuesday, August 07, 2012


Confession is good for the soul.  So are aha, oh sh.... I get it moments.  Is jealousy one of the deadly sins?  For me it is.  My aha, I get it realization is the struggle I felt when calling my sister-in-law, Saint Monica.  She "always" does everything right (when I compare myself I never measure up).  She worked her way up in her company to top-level very high paying position.  She is a leader in her church.  She has three very beautiful, successful children.  She has my bother.  He is blessed.  So I am but I realize I have been very jealous.  I never did get the career thing right.  I did ok with my education, though, I did complete my Master's.  We never had kids.  I have regrets.  I am sorry.  Help me, Abba Father to not compare myself, to not be jealous.  I see clearly now I can't do this on my own.  That's why you gave us/me Your Holy Spirit, huh?  "It is now longer I that liveth, but Christ who lives in me."  Galatians 2:20,

Last night, last weekend

Last night I dreamed I could see clearly.  Part of last weekend was horrible.  I let my mother-in-law get to me, again.  Is it the mirror effect? affect?  When I see Jeane I see all my flaws.  Similar backgrounds with our parents ... always striving to be good enough / accepted.  Proud.